Swati Bhisé



Director | Producer | Writer Educator | Cultural Advocate


Swati Bhisé is an award-winning Hollywood filmmaker, producer, writer, and cultural advocate known for her contributions to the arts over four decades. A classically trained Bharatanatyam dancer, she has worn many hats throughout her career, including choreographer, educator, and director. Recently, Bhisé embraced her latest role as a children’s book author, inspired by the birth of her grandson. She is dedicated to promoting Indian culture globally and advocating for gender equality since her teen years through her artistic and philanthropic endeavors. By blending traditional Indian arts with contemporary media, she creates transformative works that drive social change.

Author & PuBLIsheR

Swati Bhisé is an accomplished author with a diverse portfolio of written work across various genres, reflecting her wide-ranging interests.

MultifAceTeD PeRfoRmer & EducAtoR

Swati Bhisé – Performance & Interviews:

Spot Light – India Broadcast Network

CBS Religion Special “The Arts Within Religion

PRoMoteR of TheAteR & Other Artists


& AwaRdS

The Warrior Queen of Jhansi wins Impact Award at Vancouver International Women In Film Festival .

Swati Bhisé featuring on the Bill Boggs show on CBS Prime Time